Mostini Planet story introduction

In 2450, planet Earth and its inhabitants are
facing enormous difficulties due to climate change and other sources of
thermodynamic reactivity. We are witnessing an apocalyptic situation that has
resulted in the death of half of the world's population. The oceans are on fire,
and the polar ice has collapsed, leading to daytime temperatures reaching 65
degrees Celsius.
With each death comes a birth. As the current
system is exhausted, whether economically, politically, or ecologically, a new
consciousness is emerging throughout our planet, changing the way we live
together in harmony with the laws of nature. Every day, people wake up in a new
reality, living in the grace of the present moment, without remembering the
past or projecting into the future. An inner voice whispers to them to let go
of an old world that no longer resonates with them and immerse themselves in a
new wave, albeit unknown but full of life.

But we know that for a new world to emerge, it
is necessary to first die in an old world. And we also know that the interval
separating them can be extremely short or, on the contrary, so long that people
must learn to live in desolation for decades, only to discover in the end that
they are incapable and that they have not truly lived throughout their history.
Josammy Emporio 3D and his team have the
mission of assisting a world facing perpetual difficulties. To achieve this, it
is essential to understand the « true alerts » that this world
is facing. Next, we need to explore the technology that Josammy Emporio 3D will
use to save the survivors from this situation, namely the « Alpha
and Omega Matrix Thermodynamic Sigma ZG » technology. Finally, it
is important to determine towards which new world the survivors will be
directed and what the characteristics of this world are. This is, of course,
« Mostini planet » the next level of the world.