
The Hero Josammy Emporio

Who is Josammy Emporio 3D?


Mission to Saved the population


Dr Ganga SAMBA and Josammy Emporio is The heroes

Josammy Emporio 3D is the hero who intervenes to save humanity by bringing advanced technology, the "Alpha and Omega Matrix Thermodynamic 12D," which enables the creation of celestial transmigration gates to transport the population and human refugees to the planet Mostini. Josammy Emporio 3D is devoted to saving the human race and solving scientific mysteries on various complex subjects.

He has, therefore, solved and understood various scientific puzzles, such as the origin of life on Earth, the disappearance of water on Mars, the existence of the Big Bang, the formation of solar systems, the cause of dinosaur extinction, the nature of time, gravity, radioactivity, morphological ambiguity between giants (dinosaurs and humans), and many other topics. Josammy Emporio 3D possesses in-depth knowledge on these subjects, which allows him to challenge established scientific theories.

He asserts that the scientific advancements of the last century have not been sufficient to answer all the questions, and that the understanding of the universe remains incomplete.

Josammy Emporio 3D is, therefore, an exceptional character, possessing extraordinary scientific expertise, and dedicated to helping humanity overcome its challenges by providing advanced technological solutions. He is a savior and an innovator, questioning established paradigms to seek new answers to the mysteries of the universe.

Solution to Scientific Puzzles

A deep atavism instills fear of humanity in all those unaccustomed to humans, and this fear gives rise to feelings and convictions of defense. In the legitimate goal of saving the human race, Josammy Emporio 3D intervenes and comes to the rescue, saving human refugees with the Alpha Omega Matrix Thermodynamic 12D technology, which creates celestial transmigration gates for the transportation of the population and human refugees to live on the planet Mostini.


The Earth is sick, we are all sick, and it might be getting worse. My essence is the desire to be happy, to live well, and to act correctly by understanding the law that governs the universe. We believe in a better future propelled by people who have the courage to innovate in their creativity. Despite the spectacular scientific advancements of the last century, there are still many questions that researchers cannot answer. Scientists and all of humanity do not understand the functioning of the natural laws, the greatest laws of the cosmos, which is why there is a great confusion about theories such as the formation of life, the universe, solar systems, and galaxies. Since the last century, Newton poorly and confusingly explained gravity, which is why gravity is not well understood today. There is a lot of false speculation about the universe that has nothing to do with reality. The Big Bang theory is not correct because scientists do not know how the laws of the universe work. Due to a lack of explanation, they have invoked dark energy, which does not exist, and they do not know the nature of dark matter or how our solar system was formed. Obviously, protoplanetary disks are not the origin of solar system formation, and this assertion is nothing but blasphemy. The Big Bang theory and the age of our universe are not correct; it is simply a great incompetence and blasphemy by scientists.


Josammy Emporio 3D has solved and understood all the mysteries of the following scientific puzzles:


1) How did water disappear on Mars, and why is the planet Mars red? Mars had liquid water in the past (about 5 billion years ago), and why doesn't Mars have magnetism today? Additionally, why did Mars lose its internal energy more rapidly, despite being smaller and having a smaller body that radiates energy into space?

2) What was there before the Big Bang? The matter we know today didn't exist during the Big Bang. The universe was a very hot haze of particles, with atoms and molecules forming about three minutes after the expansion began. Scientists have difficulty understanding what happened closer to time zero, and some propose that there might not have been a moment zero. As we go back in time, the universe becomes smaller, but its dimension is never zero.

3) What are the parameters of the origin of life on Earth? How can we explain the existing parameters that influenced the emergence of giants from 60 to 300 million years ago, alongside the current generation and smaller species on the same planet? Justification for the morphological ambivalence of prehistoric and contemporary species.

4) Why are there always lightning flashes in the sky before and after earthquakes?

5) Is the description of the Big Bang concept correct? No, because there are parameters related to the Big Bang necessary for understanding the vast universe.

6) What are the parameters related to the Big Bang?

7) Is the age of the universe 15 billion years? No, so what is the age of the universe?

8) What are the parameters of the origin of life?

9) Why is there morphological ambiguity between giants (dinosaurs and humans) on the same planet compared to current species?

10) What are the reasons for the extinction of the dinosaurs?

11) Why do we exist?

12) Why do we sleep?

13) What balance should the human body have during walking or running?

14) What is the true universal parameter, the Big Rip or the Big Crunch?

15) Why does our brain react with chills to certain sounds?

16) Where does the instinct to multiply the criteria of evolution come from?

17) Does dark energy exist?

18) Does time exist? What is the parameter of time?

19) What is the origin of life?

For many years, science has tried to understand the emergence of life on Earth, focusing on questions like the origin of the first organic molecules and why life uses D-shaped carbohydrates and L-shaped amino acids.

20) Is Newton's theory of attraction correct?

21) What is the impact of magnetic inversion?

22) What is radioactivity, and what is its role?

23) What is the universal definition of life?

24) Why is sound louder at night than during the day?

25) What is global warming, and can human impact affect the climate, leading to global warming?

26) What is the role of the Earth's core?

27) How does magnetism work?

28) What is magnetic inversion, and what is its role?

29) What is the impact of magnetic inversion?

30) Why do people need to sleep? While the answer might seem simple, that sleep helps us rest and recharge, the main cause of people's addiction to sleep has not been fully explained yet.

31) What is dark matter, and why can't we see it? Dark matter, making up about 26% of the universe, remains invisible and researchers struggle to explain its nature. It interacts with light in a unique way, neither reflecting nor absorbing it. Detection of dark matter is only possible through gravitational waves.

32) How did the Universe appear?

33) Why does our brain react with chills to certain sounds? Our brain reacts uniquely to certain sounds, like tapping fingers on paper or whispers, causing "tingles" in the brains of 90% of people. This phenomenon is called Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and is used in many relaxation videos.

34) What is the age of the universe, and how does a solar system form, given that existing theories are not all correct?

35) Are protoplanetary disks responsible for planet and solar system formation?

36) The great mysteries of science: Evolution of the Universe - Does the Sun have a companion, Némésis, which could pose a threat to our planet?

37) What is matter-antimatter imbalance? Currently, the universe is mainly composed of matter. Antimatter, which differs from ordinary matter only in its opposite charge, exists naturally in very small quantities in the observable universe (cosmic rays, lightning, Van Allen belt, etc.) and artificially in laboratories.

38) What is dark matter? Five times more abundant than baryonic matter (ordinary matter) and representing about 27% of the universe's energy density, dark matter is present everywhere but remains invisible.

39) What is radioactivity, and what is its role? Radioactivity is the process by which unstable atomic nuclei decay and emit radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves. It plays a crucial role in various scientific fields, including nuclear power generation, medical imaging, and carbon dating.

40) What is the universal definition of life? The universal definition of life is the condition that distinguishes living organisms from inanimate matter. It typically includes characteristics such as growth, reproduction, metabolism, response to stimuli, and evolution.

41) What is a protoplanetary disk? A protoplanetary disk is a rotating circumstellar disk of gas and dust surrounding a newly formed star. It serves as the birthplace of planets as dust particles within the disk clump together, gradually forming planetesimals and, eventually, planets.

42) What is gravity and anti-gravity? Gravity is the fundamental force of attraction between masses, causing objects to be drawn towards each other. Anti-gravity, on the other hand, is a speculative concept that involves repulsive forces that counteract gravity. As of now, anti-gravity has not been demonstrated to exist.

43) What allows the formation of planets, solar systems, galaxies, clusters, and superclusters? The formation of these structures is primarily driven by gravitational forces acting on matter in the universe. Over time, gravity causes matter to clump together, leading to the formation of stars, planetary systems, galaxies, galaxy clusters, and superclusters.

44) Why doesn't an object suspended on the Moon fall, while a suspended apple on Earth falls? This is due to the difference in the strength of gravity on the Moon compared to Earth. The Moon has less mass and a weaker gravitational force, causing objects to weigh less and fall more slowly than they would on Earth.

45) How do meteorites, asteroids, and comets form? Meteorites are formed from small celestial bodies (meteoroids) that enter the Earth's atmosphere and survive the journey to impact the surface. Asteroids are rocky bodies that often originate from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Comets are icy bodies that originate from the outer reaches of the solar system and develop a tail when they approach the Sun.

46) What is the origin of incurable diseases (cancer, diabetes, hypertension)? Incurable diseases often result from complex interactions between genetic predispositions, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. Understanding the origins of these diseases requires ongoing research in medical and genetic sciences.

47) How do entities in the universe form, such as the Sun or stars, solar systems, galaxies, clusters, and superclusters? Entities in the universe form through gravitational collapse and accretion processes. For example, stars form from the condensation of gas and dust in molecular clouds, while galaxies, clusters, and superclusters form through the gravitational attraction of matter over vast cosmic scales.

48) Why are there always lightning flashes in the sky before and after earthquakes? The correlation between lightning and earthquakes is not well understood, and the exact mechanisms remain a subject of ongoing research. Some scientists speculate that the stress and friction in Earth's crust during seismic activity may generate electrical discharges, leading to lightning.

49) Is the description of the Big Bang concept correct? As scientific knowledge evolves, the description of the Big Bang theory may be refined to incorporate new observations and findings. However, the fundamental idea that the universe began with a rapid expansion from a hot and dense state remains a foundational concept in cosmology.

50) What is the age of the universe, and how does a solar system form, given that existing theories are not all correct? The age of the universe is estimated to be about 13.8 billion years based on current observations and models. The formation of a solar system involves the gravitational collapse of a protoplanetary disk around a young star, leading to the formation of planets, moons, and other celestial bodies.

51) Are protoplanetary disks responsible for planet formation? Yes, protoplanetary disks play a crucial role in the formation of planets. Within these disks, dust particles accumulate and clump together to form planetesimals, which eventually grow into planets through accretion processes.

As you can see, the list is extensive and covers a wide range of scientific questions and mysteries. Many of these topics remain subjects of ongoing research and exploration, and scientists continue to work towards unraveling these enigmas to deepen our understanding of the universe.